What an incredible year 2018 has been for independent community journalism! We are delighted to share our Annual Report which celebrates the successes of the Centre for Community Journalism and the sector we represent. In this report you can read all about the official launch of the Independent Community News Network (ICNN) – the first representative body of its kind to exist in the UK which now has over 100 members; Building the Future of Community Journalism – the conference that everyone was talking about in January this year; our vital work with the BBC and Welsh Government, and of course, the exciting news about being awarded €250,000 from the Google Digital News Initiative to develop a suite of tools to help generate revenues for the independent community news sector.
Have you worked or engaged with us this year? You can share your thoughts and highlights by tweeting us using the hashtag #c4cj18. We look forward to seeing you all in 2019.
Click the image below to read our annual report.