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Lessons for community journalists from the Local News Lab
The community journalists we work with tend to be stretched remarkably thin, covering their communities and running their business each…
There are lots of reasons to do a Readers’ survey...
OnTheWight is fortunate enough to have been picked to take part in Nesta’s Destination Local project, which has been a…
Hyperlocal licensing model strikes a chord
There’s a lot going on in Altrincham. Aside from the recent arrival of a new £19m bus station, £17m hospital…
Can catchment area data broaden your appeal?
There is an abundance of free data out there but getting right down to your own locality can be quite…
Latest developments on the BBC’s hyperlocal plans
It was good to be at the BBC in Birmingham yesterday, where I had the opportunity to discuss the hyperlocal…
How to add live chat to your hyperlocal website
I’m participating in the Nesta #destinationlocal Audience Analytics project with my site My Turriff, where we are looking at amongst…
Reflections on the past, present and future of community journalism
Sara Moseley is handing over the baton as academic lead for the Centre for Community Journalism to Professor Justin Lewis this…
Ystyriaethau am y gorffennol, y presennol a’r dyfodol am newyddiaduraeth...
Mae Sara Moseley yn trosglwyddo’r baton fel arweinydd academaidd y Ganolfan Newyddiaduraeth Gymunedol i’r Athro Justin Lewis yr wythnos hon.…
5 lessons I’ve learned in my first year running a...
In January 2014, I created Alt Reading – a news website that covers arts, culture, entertainment, independent business and local…
Harvesting hidden hyperlocals
With a net loss of more than 180 local newspapers in the UK since 2005, gaps in local newspaper coverage…
Reporting on a landmark story from thousands of miles away
Giselle Richards wore aeroplane earrings to mark the big day, and posted a selfie. It made a nice human touch to…
Community journalism in the UK: the emerging evidence base
Today Cardiff University’s Centre for Community Journalism is hosting a one-day ideas exchange, in partnership with Nesta, on the topic: ‘What next for…